Want To Build Abs Through Exercises? Read This 🔥

3 min readJan 25, 2024


A girl standing and showing her abs.

Tired of traditional ab workouts on the mat? Explore the dynamic world of standing abs exercises to engage your core in a whole new way.

Do You also have these questions in your mind?

“Can I Work My Abs While Standing?”

“Are Standing Abs Exercises Suitable for Beginners?”

“Can Standing Abs Exercises Help with Back Pain?”

“How Can I Make Standing Abs Exercises More Challenging?”

Answers To Your Questions — With Some Exercises Which Will Help You To Build Abs

“Can I Work My Abs While Standing?”

Absolutely! Standing abs exercises target your core muscles and engage stabilizing muscles, promoting better overall balance and functional strength.

Let’s dive into some effective standing ab exercises:

1. Oblique Crunches:

Stand with feet hip-width apart, hands behind your head. Lift one knee while bringing the opposite elbow towards it, engaging your obliques. Repeat on the other side.

A girl performing a standing oblique crunches
Standing oblique crunches

2. Woodchoppers:

Hold a weight or medicine ball with both hands. Rotate your torso and bring the weight from one side of your body to the other, mimicking a woodchopping motion.

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“Are Standing Abs Exercises Suitable for Beginners?”

Absolutely! Standing ab exercises are beginner-friendly, providing a gentle introduction to core workouts.

Here’s a simple routine to get you started:

1. March in Place with Torso Twist:

Lift your knees while twisting your torso side to side. This engages both your core and oblique muscles.

2. Standing Leg Raises:

Hold onto a stable surface and lift one leg straight to the side, engaging your core. Lower and repeat on the other side.

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“Can Standing Abs Exercises Help with Back Pain?”

Yes, they can! Standing abs exercises often involve maintaining good posture, which can contribute to back pain relief.

Try incorporating the following exercises into your routine:

1. Standing Side Crunches:

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head. Lift one knee towards your elbow, engaging your side abdominals. Repeat on the other side.

2. Standing Cat-Cow Stretch:

Stand with feet hip-width apart. Inhale and arch your back, then exhale and round your spine, engaging your core muscles.

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“How Can I Make Standing Abs Exercises More Challenging?”

To add intensity to your standing abs workout, consider these advanced exercises:

1. Standing Bicycle Crunches:

Stand with feet hip-width apart, hands behind your head. Lift one knee while bringing the opposite elbow towards it, and twist your torso. Repeat on the other side.

2. Standing Mountain Climbers:

Stand with feet hip-width apart and bring one knee towards your chest while engaging your core. Alternate legs in a running motion.

Whether you’re a beginner looking to build foundational strength or an experienced enthusiast seeking a new challenge, incorporating these standing ab exercises into your routine will give you immense results.

Say goodbye to the floor and elevate your ab workout with the power of standing exercises!

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Written by O'Coach

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